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Babies with CVI, new book released by APH Press

Aug 13, 2021

A woman holds a baby girl in her arms

American Printing House for the Blind (APH Press) recently announced in an email the release of a new book titled, Babies with CVI: Nurturing Visual Abilities and Development in Early Childhood. CVI, or cortical/cerebral visual impairment, is a brain-based visual impairment caused by damage to visual pathways or processing areas of the brain. According to the announcement, the textbook is a โ€œguide through the history and best practices related to the treatment of CVI in children from birth to 36 monthโ€ [1].

The new textbook works to meet the learning needs of a child with CVI by presenting families and visual impairment professionals with specific approaches, strategies, and activity suggestions. As described by APH Press, the book also โ€œstresses the importance of early intervention, proper evaluation, and integrating teaching opportunities into the childโ€™s daily routineโ€ [1].

Change Makers, an APH podcast, also recorded an episode on the book, โ€œChange Makers Ep. 27 Babies with CVI.โ€ Here, the author of the book, Anne McComiskey, spoke and shared additional information about the resource.

Source and Citation:

[1] APH Press, “Now available from APHPress: Babies with CVI”

Photo Credit: Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Summarized by: Kaylee Nielson, Intern


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